Friday, August 21, 2009
Post By: Susnasty
I'm home and cooking again!!
A staple when it comes to baking, but my first time trying it out.
Inspiration: this recipe
So I half winged-it, half followed the recipe. I tried 3/4-ing it, but ended up only 3/4-ing the margerine and baking soda and salt portion...the for the rest, I used what was given.
Also, I added a bit of maple syrup to it, because i love the bit of maple taste in cookies. I couldn't find vegan chocolate chips, so i broke up some dark chocolate vegan candy bars.
The smell while they were cooking was wonderful, really smelled like CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!
Verdict: They're wonderful! Just on the verge of not sweet enough, but they were perfect the way they were. The chocolate was great, and the hint of maple, though barely detectable, added a little touch to it. I was afraid they would be too salty, but they're not at all. They were perfectly chewy.
Next time, I'd make them a little flatter, as they ended up slightly(SLIGHTLY) poofy.
I made about 16 cookies, each about 2 inches in diameter, and had about three cookies-worth of dough left that i froze (because WHO doesn't love frozen cookie dough?)